Sunday in Review – 5/27/18

Today services weres at the Franklin’s and Simeon preached the sermon.

For the children’s story we read about  Mary and Joseph completing their journey to Bethlehem, and finding the inn full. The innkeeper offered them lodgings in his stables instead and baby Jesus was born in a stable and laid in a manger.

We picked back up in Mark for the sermon and Jude, Gideon, and Eliza took turns reading Mark 14:53-72 and Mark 15:31-15.

This passage covered the two trials of Jesus that Mark tells us about. We discussed

  • Peter denies knowing Jesus three times before the rooster crows twice, just like Jesus predicted.
  • Jesus is put on trial but he’s not really saying anything. We read from Isaiah 53 about the silent lamb..
  • When the witnesses don’t agree with one another Jesus implicates himself – the time for secrecy about his identity is over.
  • Pilate knows Jesus isn’t guilty and tries to release him – asking the crowd whether Jesus or Barabbas should be released. The crowd wants Barabbas freed.

At the end we talked about how the story is one of wrongdoing by the courts, the leaders, even the mob as an innocent man is condemned to death.. And yet despite all the corruption and failure Jesus turns out to be the most significant fact that is related…  There is something encouraging in that for us today…

Thank you for reading! 🙂

Sunday in Review – 4/29/18

Today we met at the Franklin’s and Justin preached the sermon.

We read two chapters from our Bible story book today for the kids – we’re still reading the story of Jesus’ birth and heard about Joseph’s dreams and the trip to Bethlehem.

For the sermon we read John 14:1-14 and Justin talked about descriptions a Church might put on a sign. What would it mean to be:

  • Christ centered
  • Full Gospel
  • Faith
  • Grace
  • Bible Believing

We talked about the value in all of these descriptions and where we find our own center as a Church..

Sunday in Review – 4/21/18

Hello! Today services were hosted at the Braley’s and Mark preached from 1 Thessalonians.

Simeon read the story to for the children – now we’re reading through the Gospel story and we read about the angel’s visits to Mary, Elizabeth, and Zechariah.

Amanda read the 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 and Mark talked about Paul’s pastoral advice:

  • Christians back then were called Followers of The Way. They were people on a journey together..
  • Paul’s advice to the people of Thessaloniki is not to stop. Keep going through the journey that God has for you. Being baptized isn’t the end of the journey but the beginning.
  • God know’s what’s best for us and he is pleased when we talk to Him or try to please Him.
  • You’re going to meet God someday and deal with your sins so you need to take them seriously.