Sunday in Review 3-11-18

Today the Franklin’s hosted and Justin preached.

The kids wrapped up the story of Esther and learned about the feast of Purim!

This is the 4th week of Lent and has a theme of rejoicing.  Justin read several scriptures – Psalm 107, Ephesians 2, and John 3 – and we talked about praising God as our Deliverer!

Sunday in Review 2-25-18

Hello! Today the Wolfes hosted Church, Justin read the story and Simeon preached the sermon.

For the kid’s story we read about the Israelites conquering Jericho and how they marched around the city seven times and blew their horns and the walls of the city crumbled.

We read Mark 13 which is a farewell address by Jesus that talks about the coming destruction of the temple and the end times. It’s confusing with lots of imagery and advice about how to handle persecution and events that are to come.

While much of the chapter is telling the disciples about the destruction of the temple and Jerusalem the advice still applies to us: don’t be fooled by the times but anticipate the coming of Jesus as Lord!

We closed by talking about Jesus’ emphatic command to watch! How can we watch for Jesus and what is involved? We talked about prayer, memorizing scripture, and having habits that let us make Jesus the center of our lives every day.

Sunday in Review – 2-18-18

Today the Braley’s hosted Church in their home for the first time.

For the children’s story we read more about the story of Esther, Mordecai and Hamaan – maybe you were born for such a time as this!

Mark preached, starting in 1 Thessalonians chapter 1. He talked about:

  • What we know of Paul’s trip to Thessalonica and why he wrote this letter.
  • Paul’s greeting “Grace and peace for you”
  • The encouragement that a strong witness brings to other believers
  • The three virtues of the Christian life – faith, hope and love and how each should affect our life in Christ.

Sunday in Review 2-11-18

This week Simeon’s family hosted and next week a new family in our Church, the Braley’s, will be hosting and Mark will be preaching from 1 Thessalonians.

Justin read read the Bible story about about Joshua becoming leader after Moses died and crossing the Jordan River and building an alter to remember God’s provision.

Liz, Jude, and Daryl took turns reading the second half of Mark chapter 12 and Simeon talked about it the problem of motivation: are you praying because you’re talking to God or are you praying because people are listening to you and paying attention to what you’re saying? And the second story of the widow’s mite makes us think about our giving: do we give because we ought? Or so that people observe our generosity? Or are we giving out of a grateful heart to God?

De’Ionne quoted 1 Samuel – man looks at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart! I really loved this, it’s so true!

Sunday in Review

Note: Elizabeth is taking over some regular blogging here and will be posting about services under the Sundays in Review tag.

Today we gathered for a Church service at the Wolfe’s house with a little larger group than normal.

As usual after songs we read a Bible story for the kids. Previously we had been reading about Nehemiah (the King’s Cup Bearer) but we finished that last week and today we switched to reading about Queen Esther.

Then we had an open prayer time and after that Justin delivered his sermon. Their family recently had break-in at the house they are renovating. So he talked about how we handled problems in our lives and we read Job chapter 1. Justin described getting broken into as “A stress test for your spiritual heart.” One of the examples he used was the football players training before a game so they know what to do because they trained for it.

In the same way, we should train our feelings and thoughts so when things happen we know what to do and how to deal with it in a Christ-like way. Remember that robbers are your brothers! How can I show love to these robbers in a good and Godly way?